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Little man the game homepage

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The teacher will have a very LARGE tree and branches and round green swirls colored on the poster board. Discussion about Zacchaeus and his confession and forgiveness. The other half of the class can PAY BACK times 2 and then switch players and PAY BACK times 4, as in the story. If time allows, children could each pick two good leaves and bring back into the classroom to put UNDER a piece of white paper and color over the top to get the shape/form of the leaf and then write SIN on one colored leaf and FORGIVENESS on the other leaf to take home as a reminder of today's lesson. Let the children hunt until they find the cards and then have a class discussion about the two words they found. one with the word SIN on it and the other with the word FORGIVENESS. The teacher can HIDE 2 cards in the leaves. If possible, let the children go outside and dig through a pile of leaves during class. Have children write or give ideas to put under the SIN column and other answers to write under the FORGIVENESS column - such as what we do to SIN or displease God and ways that we are FORGIVEN when we confess our sin! LEAVES HUNT: (SIN - BIG Problem FORGIVENESS - Big Answer).

little man the game homepage

On a chart or chalkboard, write SIN in big letters with "BIG PROBLEM" (in red marker) written underneath and on the other side of the chart, write FORGIVENESS with BIG ANSWER (in red marker) written underneath. (Words such as sin, forgiveness, Zacchaeus, parade, tree cheating, Jesus, etc) SIN & FORGIVENESS CHART: Let children write words about our story in various colors around the poster picture and discuss SIN and FORGIVENESS. LITTLE MAN PICTURE:ĭraw a "little man" in lower left corner of a poster board and the word SIN in the upper right corner in BIG letters. Bring items back to classroom and talk about the lesson of Zacchaeus. Ex: picture or plastic little tree, a plastic little man, a plastic little group of people (from dollar store) play money, parade items, etc. The teacher will HIDE pictures around a designated area with objects about our story today. Here are COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS for the game. FOOTBALL BOARD GAME:Ī board game activity created by La Juanna Kotis. The children will enjoy moving around the room and making some noise, but the activity will also reinforce what they have learned. Scripture Reading: Luke 19:1-10 EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!:Īn activity written by La Juanna Kotis to help the children review what they have learned in the lesson about Zacchaeus. Sermon Title: "A Little Man with a Big Problem" and "Zacchaeus Goes Out on a Limb to Meet Jesus"

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